Text Analyzer

Count words, characters, and more.

Visible Length

What is Text Analyzer?

Text Analyzer is not only an app for counting characters, words, lines but it offers more insight into the text. Using Text Analyzer you can view keyword density, reading time, speaking time and Machine Learning related metrics.


Character Count

The number of characters in the text. To be precise, it is the number of bytes in the text.

Visible Length

It refers to the number of characters in the text but which are visible on the screen. Most characters require only 1 byte, so the character count and visible length are the same. However, when the text includes characters from other languages or emojis, these characters require more than one byte. In this case, the character count will be higher than the number of characters visible on the screen. Try it out by pasting this emoji 😊.

Word Count

The number of words in the text. Words are counted when a character is followed by a space, newline or punctuation marks.


Count without space

When turned on, the space is not counted in character count and visible length.

Why do we need to count words or characters?

Counting characters or words is necessary for various practical and professional reasons. Here are some key reasons:

  • Article Limits: Journalists and authors often have to adhere to specific word limits for articles, essays, and reports.
  • Book Publishing: Authors need to keep track of word counts to meet publishers' requirements for different genres or formats.
  • Assignments: Students often have word or page limits for essays, theses, and dissertations.
  • Abstracts: Research papers often have word limits for abstracts submitted to journals or conferences.
  • SEO: Search engine optimization strategies can be influenced by the length of content; longer articles may rank higher.
  • Social Media: Platforms like Twitter have character limits for posts, necessitating concise messaging.
  • Blogging: Bloggers often aim for certain word counts to ensure content is comprehensive yet engaging.
  • Contracts and Agreements: Legal documents often have precise language requirements, and word count can be critical for clarity and brevity.
  • SMS and Messaging: Text messages and certain messaging platforms have character limits, requiring concise communication.

Overall, counting characters and words is a fundamental aspect of many fields to ensure clarity, conciseness, and adherence to specific requirements.

How to use Text Analyzer?

To use Text Analyzer, simply type or paste your text and Text Analyzer will calculate all the metrics and display it.


What is the difference between character count and visible length?

Most unicode characters are encoded in two bytes, so they are counted as two characters. But they are visible as one character.